Through, RootsAction and our allies held events all over the United States this past weekend demanding diplomacy in place of military escalation in Ukraine. These events and others like them are becoming larger, more numerous, and better covered by corporate media than at any time during the past year. The media's own polling shows the U.S. public moving in the direction of peace. Now is a good time to press our case.

Click here to email Congress and the White House to demand restraint, diplomacy, and negotiations.

With big peace rallies in Italy, Germany, France, the UK, and Japan, and with the governments of Germany, France, and China urging peace negotations, the timing for increased activism could not be better. Media outlets are having to pay attention. Check out the coverage of our events in: ABC and NBC affiliates in Madison, Wisconsin; ABC and NBC affiliates and The Missourian in Columbia, Missouri; and Boston 25 in Boston, Massachusetts.

This is also a good time to share basic facts with friends by forwarding this email. Basic facts like these:

  • The U.S. and allies have worked against the negotiation of peace.
  • Unlimited free weapons works against the negotiation of peace.
  • The biggest chunk of so-called "aid" funding to Ukraine has never left the Washington, D.C., suburbs where the world's five largest weapons dealers are found.
  • No total victory for either side is possible in Ukraine's foreseeable future, as the U.S. prepares for an endless war.
  • Unlimited free weapons is a choice that sacrifices all the human and environmental crises in need of resources.
  • Ukraine is a corrupt one-party state that grew out of a U.S.-backed coup in 2014, not a "democracy."
  • This war is increasingly risking nuclear apocalypse for the Earth; no compromise settlement is worse than that.

Click here to email Congress and the White House to demand restraint, diplomacy, and negotiations.

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The U.S. is establishing a seemingly permanent infrastructure for a forever war in Ukraine1, the two most likely eventual endings of which are nuclear apocalypse or negotiated peace.

Is it really going to be unacceptable to have a preference for peace? Must it be forbidden to want life on Earth protected from nuclear war?2 Should we start scratching off "peace" on all "Peace on Earth" holiday decorations now?

Many of the world's governments have urged a negotiated peace in Ukraine.3 Can we not mention that fact in the United States?

Click here to email Congress and the White House to demand restraint, diplomacy, and negotiations.

A disturbing set of standards is being developed. Certain things are not to be said or perhaps even known.

Should we treat it as a moral responsibility to remain ignorant of the fact that the U.S. and NATO took numerous steps that predictably led to this war4 and have worked to prevent its ending5,6, even while hiding behind Ukraine when refusing to negotiate?

Is it treasonous to become aware that the mass slaughter engaged in by Russia is being done by a military with a budget last year of $66 billion7, which is 8% of the U.S. military budget, less than 6% of all NATO nations' military budgets, and just about equal to what the U.S. has already sent to Ukraine, mostly in the form of weapons, not counting tens of billions from other nations and a new proposal for $50 billion more from the U.S. this year -- whereas fractions of this money could transform the world for the better. For example: $30 billion annually could end starvation on Earth.8

Enough is enough! Diplomacy is not a dirty word! Peace is not a scandal! Ignorance is not strength! 

Email Congress and the White House to demand restraint, diplomacy, and negotiations.

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-- The team



1. New York Times: "Pentagon Plans to Set Up a New Command to Arm Ukraine, Officials Say"
2. CNN: "'People are furious': Jayapal withdraws letter on Ukraine policy amid Democratic anger"
3. World BEYOND War: "'End War in Ukraine' Say 66 Nations at UN General Assembly"
4. World BEYOND War: "NATO and a War Foretold"
5. World BEYOND War: "Peace Talks Essential as War Rages on in Ukraine"
6. Common Dreams: "Boris Johnson Pressured Zelenskyy to Ditch Peace Talks With Russia: Ukrainian Paper"
7. Mapping Militarism
8. World BEYOND War: "Three Percent Plan"

Background Articles from Progressive Hub:
The Ukraine War Has Been A Boon For Military Stocks, Of Course
>> The Case for Diplomacy in Ukraine
>> The Global South Has A Different Take On The Ukraine War
>> War In Ukraine And ICBMs: The Untold Story Of How They Could Blow Up The World
>> Anti-War Groups Stage Protest Against Munich Security Conference
>> Media Ignore Seymour Hersh Bombshell Report Of US Destroying Nord Stream II
>> Homage To Russian War Resisters
>> Tanks For Nothing—Is Civilization at Stake in Ukraine?
>> U.S. War Crimes Hypocrisy Muddies Potential Charges In Ukraine


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