Dear Friend, The "uncommitted" movement has rejected the continued support of genocide in Palestine by President Biden and establishment Democrats. At RootsAction we have joined a coalition of organizations to reject the undue influence of the powerful AIPAC pressure group. In response, unchecked campaign expenditures against incumbent members of Congress who have called for a permanent ceasefire have ramped up. Now, we MUST respond to protect the members of Congress who are not only unapologetically calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, but who have also been consistently fighting for working-class people, social justice, peace, women's rights, and the list continues. Our last line of defense and the way we continue to fight is by protecting progressive Congress members like Rep. Summer Lee (PA-12). Please donate to Summer Lee's campaign and RootsAction's work here. Though her record speaks for itself, I am making a personal appeal for your support. I don’t live in Pennsylvania, but I know that in order to protect our rights we need people who will stand on principle, not be influenced by big-money interests. I also know firsthand how it feels to have leaders of your own party collude with the far right to keep those of us with the courage to care out of positions of power. I met Rep. Lee for the first time last fall; as she spoke I felt tears well up in my eyes. Not only because she is such a powerful and principled leader, but also because I thought about how many women like me are inspired to keep fighting the good fight because of people like her. Please help us keep Summer Lee in Congress by donating to her campaign here, thereby encouraging her colleagues to follow her lead in standing strong for peace in Gaza. That’s me on the right in this photo, and Rep. Lee in the center. Will you contribute $10 today to help ensure Summer Lee is re-elected? Contributions will be split between Lee’s campaign and Action for a Progressive Future. Yours in struggle, India |