Five years ago, a boy who had been enrolled in JROTC as a 9th grader at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, put on his JROTC polo shirt and murdered 17 people. The JROTC program that taught him to shoot had received awards for marksmanship, as well as funding from the National Rifle Association (NRA). The New York Times has, in addition, previously reported on frequent incidents of sexual abuse of students by instructors of JROTC. Under the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which every single nation on Earth other than the United States has ratified (if not always complied with), it is illegal to recruit children under the age of 15 into militaries; nations are required to focus only on those above 18. But the U.S. military, extending far beyond JROTC, takes contact information and other information on students from schools, not to mention social media, including reviewing exams that are mandatory and not identified as military recruiting tools. But some of the most heavily and relentlessly recruited students about whom the military knows the most are those who have been in JROTC. Click here to tell Congress to abolish the JROTC. Military recruitment is way down, and for good reason. Shameful illegal wars are not a good selling point. But the answer is not, as 19 Congress Members recently pleaded to President Joe Biden, to keep student debt high. Nor is it to force students into JROTC. Asking polite questions of the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is clearly not all that is needed. JROTC is something that requires ending, not mending. History should be taught by history professors using history books. And joining an institution of organized mass-killing is a decision that, at the very least, should be made by an adult with open options for nonviolent career paths. We don't let you drink alcohol until 21 or rent a car until 25, because of a solid understanding of the brains of young people. There should be no exception for allowing kids to join in military training -- much less should they be forced into it against their will. Click here to tell Congress to abolish the JROTC. |