ARMY -- a recruiter misled you.
Some enterprises are so full of acronyms that they almost become a foreign language. At RA (RootsAction) we only have a few key acronyms for what we're working on.
DNW -- Defuse Nuclear War!
Seen Oppenheimer? Had a thoughtful friend lament that "there's no anti-nuclear movement"? Join the antinuclear movement and ask your friends to as well. This is the movement that recently created a global treaty banning nuclear weapons! There are actions happening all the time and many ways to get involved. Go to
SAJ -- Step Aside Joe!
We dread a re-run of 2016, when all the background noise about alleged Hillary Clinton corruption – such as high-paid corporate speeches and Clinton Foundation donations – hurt her with some voters on the fence. Pro-Biden news outlets have so far generally played down the evidence, but during a very personalized, one-on-one Biden vs. GOP candidate race, we think that drumbeats about alleged corruption of Biden and his family would have significant impact on some swing voters. We believe it’s one more reason Biden is a risky candidate. Good candidates would emerge if Biden would STEP ASIDE. Go to
DIY -- Do It Yourself!
You know your local issues and the issues you work on best. RootsAction knows how to promote and use petitions. Together, we've been racking up the victories. Check out and support others' petitions, and create your own at
In other news, we've released an updated Foreign Policy Primer and are sharing it with people everywhere, including Congressional candidates. Take a look!
And we're advancing a state-level progressive agenda that includes: