A vote in the full U.S. House may be held today on whether to remove Congresswoman Ilhan Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee, where her presence has been so groundbreaking that a recent column about it in the New York Times included ideas rarely if ever before seen in that publication. RootsAction has been urging votes to keep Omar on the committee. You can click here to email your Representative right now. This will be a difficult vote, given the loyalty of most Congress Members to their political parties, but we have been racking up successes, and need to try for this one too. For example: - Harvard's Kennedy School stripped Kenneth Roth of a fellowship for speaking honestly about the Israeli government. After RootsAction and many others objected, Harvard has reversed its decision.
- Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has finally agreed to make 75% of the new fleet of USPS trucks electric, something that had been demanded by a large coalition of organizations, the Save the Post Office Coalition, of which RootsAction is part.
See many more successes here. We've also been advancing the cause of making higher education a right. Click here to help. The Don't Run Joe campaign's organizing efforts have kicked into high gear. We'll have the Don't Run Joe mobile billboard circling the DNC Winter Meeting in Philadelphia over the coming days. We've also launched the Nevada leg of the Don't Run Joe campaign, with digital ads running and hundreds of thousands of texts gathering petition signatures from Nevada Dems. Learn more and share the petition at DontRunJoe.org. Taking It to the States: On six key policies we're working for progress at the state level: |