Some Congress Members have spoken up for and cosponsored a resolution demanding an immediate and permanent ceasefire by Israel in Gaza.

Others have spoken vaguely about sort-of wishing there could be a ceasefire.

Others have not even done that.

If you click here and enter your address, we'll set you up with the appropriate messages to email to your Representative and Senators based on what they have and have not done.

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We still need to urge most members of Congress to understand

  • the vast numbers of cases of deaths, injuries, homelessness, hunger, and disease in Gaza
  • the opinion of the majority of the U.S. public in support of a ceasefire
  • the overwhelming will of the world's governments at the United Nations
  • the blatantly genocidal rhetoric from figures in the Israeli government and military.

The U.S. government is arming and supporting a horrendous crime. Please share this with anyone who might take action here.

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This work is only possible with your financial support. Please chip in $5 now.

Thank you!

-- The team


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