In no account was Cassandra happy when war came to Troy, merely because she had predicted it and been ignored. Nor are any of us happy that climate collapse is sweeping the globe, merely because we've demanded serious action from the U.S. government for many years.

But occasionally it may be helpful to point out how often we advocates for peace, justice, and sustainability turn out to have been right long before our views were acceptable.

Remember when we demanded Donald Trump's impeachment for financial corruption on his inauguration day? The tidal wave of articles on the topic this week reinforces how wise it might have been to listen to that public outcry.

Remember when we exposed the falsities and exaggerations of Russiagate and warned that Russophobia could lead to war? Major claims have been widely disproven, and war is raging in Ukraine, with NATO talking increasingly of a wider war with Russia in the years to come.

Last month, the day after RootsAction pressed Congress Members to repudiate former Speaker Nancy Pelosi's comments that advocates for a ceasefire in Gaza should be investigated by the FBI for ties to the Russian government, Congressman Ro Khanna questioned the Director of the FBI who promised the FBI would do no such thing.

Remember when we said the Russian invasion of Ukraine was preceded by U.S. military activity? On Sunday the New York Times reported on major CIA operations on the ground in Ukraine since the date of the U.S.-backed coup in 2014.

Remember when we said the war in Ukraine would see a negotiated peace, a nuclear escalation, or drag on for years? It has now been two years.

Remember when, in November 2022, we started asking President Biden not to run for reelection? We sounded then just like countless comentators over a year later: "We cannot risk losing in 2024. We shouldn’t gamble on Joe Biden’s low approval rating."


Looking Forward

Defuse Nuclear War is working for a future beyond endless war and the peril of nuclear annihilation, and that work can start with the elimination of ICBMs.

We’re asking our partners to organize an action as part of Daniel Ellsberg Week 2024. From June 10-16, organizers across the United States and beyond will be holding vigils, picketing arms manufacturers and representatives’ offices, and finding other ways to speak out against the unhinged injustice of nuclear weapons and to work toward their abolition.

Please join in. An initial step is to click here and fill out a brief form letting us know how you’d like to be involved.


Localities across the United States have been passing resolutions in support of a ceasefire in the war on Gaza. Ask yours to do the same.


Teach-ins are launching this spring under the headingMake War Visible… and End It,” as RootsAction national director Norman Solomon teams up with activists from antiwar and social-justice groups cosponsoring the free online events. With a focus on how activists can better navigate media to get their message out to the public, the workshops will draw on information and analysis in Norman’s recent book War Made Invisible: How America Hides the Human Toll of Its Military Machine. Some are already scheduled in Wisconsin and California. If your organization is interested in hosting such an online event, please reply to this email.


We promoted votes of "Uncommitted" in yesterday's Democratic presidential primary in Michigan, with strong results — a tactic that can also be used in Minnesota, Washington, and elsewhere to indicate a refusal to vote for a president arming and facilitating genocide in Gaza.

Meanwhile, we're supporting strong Congressmembers like Summer Lee and Jamaal Bowman who are targeted by AIPAC and GOP billionaires.

We're also planning to unwelcome NATO to Washington D.C. in July.


At the State Level

We've added to our state-level online actions for funding college, restoring the minimum wage, fixing the electoral college problem, making voter registration automatic, banning slavery, ending the death penalty, and creating ranked choice voting. We've added an action to end life sentences without parole for those under 21.

Help us do more! This work is only possible with your financial support. Please chip in $5 now.

Thank you!

-- The team

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