Striking is succeeding. Unions across the United States are winning big wage increases and other improvements for their members, including those won by UPS workers (who merely threatened to strike), by writers in Hollywood, and most recently by the auto workers who have a huge victory in a tentative agreement with Ford, one of the big three auto manufacturing corporations they began striking over a month ago. These successes can be expected to have ripple effects in lifting wages for others and in encouraging unionization. If you are able, please join the nearest picketline. The United Auto Workers has asked people to join them. Here's a map of locations around the country. You can also help by signing and sharing this petition and adding your own comments to it. We will be making good use of it in the days ahead. If you are on strike to build power for workers, democratize the workplace, and improve the pay and benefits received by yourself and others, we support you. By signing this petition, I commit to writing at least one letter to an editor or making at least one phone call to a news outlet in support of strikers. I will donate what I can afford to the unions at the links provided on this page. Add your name. |