Dear Friend, As you probably know, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, has just returned to the U.S. Senate after a lengthy absence. Feinstein’s absence made it difficult to confirm critical judicial nominations and caused her to miss more than 60 votes in the Senate in 2023. Despite the fact that she is obviously unfit to continue her work in the Senate, Feinstein is being propped up by national Democratic Party leaders who don’t want her to resign before her term is up. That’s because Nancy Pelosi and other party leaders do not want to give California Governor Gavin Newsom the opportunity to appoint a new senator to Feinstein’s seat. That’s because Newsom has promised to appoint a black woman -- who might be progressive Rep. Barbara Lee -- if there's a vacancy in the Senate seat, which would put the hawkish establishment favorite Rep. Adam Schiff at a disadvantage in the race for the full six-year term next year. If national party leaders can’t control who takes the seat, they’d rather have the infirm Feinstein serve out her term. This is just the latest example of Democratic Party leaders putting their thumb on the scale to bar progressives from leadership positions within the party. They would rather have a dysfunctional Senate than have even one more progressive with a seat there. At RootsAction, we’re outraged by this level of manipulation. If you are too, join us by signing the petition to tell Democratic Party leaders: stop trying to trick the public and allow Feinstein to resign her seat. We have to send a clear message to party leaders that we won’t stand for this type of manipulation. Please sign the petition and make your voice heard! |