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Top 10

Dear Friend,

In 2022, these were the articles you read the most at Progressive Hub:

1. The Origin Of Student Debt: Reagan Adviser Feared "Educated Proletariat"

2. Foreign Policy Primer For U.S. Congressional Candidates

3. The Mainstream Media Is Lying To You About Ukraine

4. Betrayal Of Gorbachev Regarding NATO Explained In Detail

5. Meet The PINOs: "Progressive In Name Only"

6. Uprising For Black Lives Drove Suspension Of U.S.-Israeli Police Trainings

7. We Actually Need That Iran Nuclear Deal (JCPOA) As Soon As Possible

8. Why Is Joe Biden Ignoring The Threat Of Nuclear War?

9. Biden Urged To Eliminate Land-Based Nuclear Missiles

10. Biden’s CIA Director Doesn’t Believe Biden’s Story About Ukraine

Of course, at Progressive Hub you don't just read reports. You also take action on them. We're glad you chose the 10 above to read and act on the most during 2022, and look forward to seeing what you'll do in 2023.

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--Progressive Hub Team

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