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We've been delivering food to the picket line where the Writers Guild of America's writers are on strike in Los Angeles. They are very grateful!

We need you to step up so we can continue supporting this important strike. Can you sign the petition and make a donation for more food?

This is our petition:

To the striking writers of the Writers Guild of America:

We stand in solidarity with the Writers Guild strikers.

The success of your struggle against corporate greed is important for all workers enmeshed in “the new economy,” which values those who take the profits over those who do the work. You are showing that collective and unified action is the path toward a more just economy and fairer society.  

Whether one works for the studios or for Amazon, Walmart or Starbucks, worker anxiety is growing as the owners are laughing all the way to the bank. Labor action can reverse this trend. Thankfully, your workplace has near industry-wide unionization. Corporations want to be able to treat workers as disposable; the Great Writers Strike of 2023 can write a different script – that workers who stand together can win their rights and a more secure work life.

Click here to add your name. It's important!

Writers Strike

Sign here

We need funds for more food! Make a tax-deductible contribution here to our effort to supply food to the picket line of the Writers' Strike, and to support the work of RootsAction Education Fund to educate the public about economic fairness, equal rights, civil liberties, environmental protection -- and the possibilities for converting to a peaceful foreign policy and equitable economy.

Donate here

Thank you!

-- The RootsAction Education Fund team

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>> Guardian: "This Historic Writers’ Strike Matters for Everyone – Not Just Hollywood"
>> Los Angeles Times: "Your boss wants AI to replace you. The writers’ strike shows how to fight back"

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