Defuse Nuclear War Week of Actions, Sept. 24 - 30

Join the Defuse Nuclear War Coalition in organizing nationwide protests, vigils, demonstrations, and other actions – for diplomacy with Russia and Ukraine; disarming ICBMs; and reinstating ABM, INF and Open Skies treaties — during the week of September 24 – 30, 2023.

Find or add an event near you (and get posters to use) by clicking here.


Global Days of Action, Sept. 30 - Oct. 8

The International Summit for Peace in Ukraine, held in Vienna earlier this summer, proposed Global Days of Action, Sept. 30 – Oct. 8th, 2023. We strongly encourage everyone to take part. Find or add an event to lists posted by World BEYOND War, International Peace Bureau, and Peace in Ukraine Coalition.



Free Public Livestream on September 26

In an endless war with already a half million casualties, is it more helpful to continue it -- risking nuclear apocalypse and guaranteeing impediments to addressing climate collapse -- or to demand a ceasefire, peace negotiations, and a commitment to sending no more weapons?

A public discussion featuring Medea Benjamin, Helena Cobban, Ray McGovern, and David Swanson.

This is a free, public, in-person event but it will also be livestreamed on Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter.


This work is only possible with your financial support. Please chip in $5 now.

Thank you!

-- The team


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