In 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2021, the College for All Act was introduced in both houses of Congress. We need it re-introduced and passed in 2023. We believe that Senator Bernie Sanders and Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal will reintroduce the bill if their colleagues contact them to cosponsor it. Those colleages will not hear about it from the corporate media. They have to hear the demand from you. Tell Congress to pass the College for All Act. The latest military spending bill is over $850 billion. A majority of the federal discretionary budget will go to funding a war machine with more money than 227 other countries combined. The richest 1% of people in the world amassed almost two-thirds of new wealth created in the last two years, Oxfam says. The United States has wider disparities of wealth than any other major developed nation. The College for All Act would make community college free for everyone. It would make public colleges and universities free for families with income under $125,000. It would also make tuition free at private, nonprofit historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and minority-serving institutions for families with income under $125,000. We can afford to make higher education a right, rather than a special privilege. We can't afford not to. Click here to tell Congress now. |