Massachusett's tax on the ultra-rich is in the news again, in two different ways.

First, it's raised even more money than previously hoped: $2.2 billion, which has funded free school lunches and community colleges, among other things.

Second -- and this, of course, has been given the bigger play -- a retired professional football coach and a couple of players, who have been paid many millions of dollars, have been publicly whining about the tax, demanding to know where in the Bible it says you have to pay it (um, Matthew 22:21, right?), and claiming that the New England Patriots cannot recruit players because other states don't have the same tax.

You know what would take away the excuse for all the whining?

If other states were to implement the same super-successful policy that Massachusetts has!

Click here to ask your state legislators to do what Massachusetts has done.

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Since 2018 in the United States, billionaires have paid a lower effective tax rate than working-class people. Plutocracy has been so normalized that it's hard to summon up outrage.

But something strange has happened in Massachusetts, that the state of your state could do too. The state government has put in place an additional tax of 4% on taxable income in excess of a million dollars.

The economy hasn't collapsed. Unemployment hasn't soared. The devil hasn't risen to impose a communist dictatorship. In fact, none of the usual expectations have been fulfilled. Instead, the state has simply raised $2.2 billion a year to put to use for the public good -- dramatically more than had been predicted. That compares with a half a billion raised NATIONALLY by President Biden's efforts to make the wealthy pay up, as promised by candidate Biden four years ago.

Instead of waiting for Washington D.C. to fix federal income taxation, click here to ask your state legislators to do what Massachusetts has done.

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-- The team


>> MassLive: "Mass. Millionaire’s Tax brought in nearly $2.2B last year, state says"
>> Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center: The Fair Share Amendment
>> Portside: "Massachusetts’ New Millionaire Tax Is Doing Better Than Expected"


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